Can I add a Point of Contact to my Project?

Site Marker allows you to add contacts for quick access on your project.

On the main Project Dashboard under the Info tab, you will see a spot called Contacts:

Info tab

There are two types of contacts you can add into your project:

  • Main Contacts - This section pulls from project members already added to the project. It is meant to be the person in charge of the project.
  • Additional Contacts - This section lets you add in information for anyone's contact, without adding them to the Site Marker project. It is meant to be a quick way to find contact information on people you need to reach often.

To add a Main Contact to the project click on the "Add Contacts" button and select from the list of people displayed whom you want to be the site contact. The people displayed will be people already within your project.

Project Contacts

Clicking on either of these boxes will pop up the screen where you could add someone to a team

Invite new team member

Type in their email and what permissions you want them to have. Once you add them they will receive an email inviting them to your project.

Additional Contacts

To add additional contacts click on "Add Additional Contacts" to open the contact filling page:

add additional contact

After filling out the contact form you will see the filled-out contact on the Info panel. You can also view these contacts on your mobile device.

Mobile info