Exporting Pins

Getting your pins into an excel document is easier than ever

When you are on your site map view there is the ability to filter and export your pins.

To open up the filter, while on the site map click on the filter button:

Here, you can sort through all options you would be able to choose from on a pin as well as time specifications:

Once you get the filters you want selected and the pins filtered to what is needed, the system is now ready to export pins.

Clicking export pins brings up a new menu with some options available:

Currently, we have the option to export in a few file formats. A standardized model, North Carolina specific, and South Carolina specific formats. We plan to include other states as we move forward.

Next, you choose between exporting into two file types:

Excel File Format: this lets you open the file in a format easily viewed by excel or other spreadsheet systems

Autocad Format: if you export directly to an Autocad file, do not open up the file in a spreadsheet before Autocad or the format will change. This will allow you to open the file directly in the program.